Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Harborview Holiday Cheer

Marinas are a great place to meet people. I sometimes compare the docks to dorms or an apartment building -- we all have our own room/house/boat -- but it's a big community. At Harborview we have the added benefit of the surrounding townhouses and condo buildings. Yay! More people to meet!
People think of marinas as a summer destination but we don't let a little wind and cold keep us from getting together. Last Saturday we had a community potluck to celebrate the holiday season.
This was the beginning of the amazing spread. The far end is crock-pot central. No one went hungry. There was ham, mac-n-cheese, a cheese plate, apple salad (I need that recipe), sauerkraut, etc., etc., etc.
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention the awesome oyster stew. This is only about half of the oysters I found in my bowl.
I wish I had taken a picture of the dessert table. Save me from the scrumptious Italian cookies.

I did find time to take a picture of the tree. I understand that at least one of our friends couldn't bear to part with her holiday decorations yet doesn't have room on her boat so she shares the wealth with the rest of us.
I think about 30 people showed up for the festivities. And we made new friends with some recent liveaboards.

I can't take credit for anything, but here are a few tips for hosting an event at your marina:
  • Choose a date and time. Remember that many people travel as the holidays get closer. Kudos to the team that chose a mid-December date.
  • Put a food sign-up sheet in a central location. For us, it was in the marina lounge. Everyone has access and could add their name whenever it was convenient. Sure, there are loads of electronic ways to do this but sometimes good ole paper and pencil makes life easy.
  • Don't forget plates, plasticware, cups, napkins, ice, and a BIG trash can.
  • Consider the electrical needs of certain dishes. Many crockpots will keep food warm but some people like to plug in.
  • Invite the marina staff! The staff at Harborview are part of the marina family. The party was held during office hours so they could participate.
Does your marina celebrate the holidays?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Baltimore Parade of Lights

You know how people drive around neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights? Well, holidays on the water means that you stand still and the lights come to you. It was cold and rainy but that didn't stop some diehard boaters and determined spectators from enjoying the Baltimore Parade of Lights this year. We still haven't managed to get it together enough to enter the parade in our own boat but we had a lot of fun cheering on friends that entered.

I apologize for water spots on some of the pictures. They were hard to avoid in the rain.
I just love seeing the city buildings in the background.
All winter holidays are welcome.


Yes, this is the same boat at the picture above it but I love the blue glow around the boat from the lights.

Even the tugboats got into the spirit.
Be sure to check out pictures from the 2013 Middle River Parade and 2012 Baltimore Parade.
Which boat is your favorite?

Monday, December 1, 2014

November Neighbors

Whereas we still took a trip last weekend, many of our weekend warrior friends are already "on the hard" for the winter so it's a special treat to get a new neighbor in November.

This sailboat plans to be with us all winter:
"Twelfth Night"
It's a safe bet to say that this will be the last Neighbor posting before next March or April, however, I will be thrilled to be proven wrong.